Would you make a good carer? Fancy a Quiz?
I've compiled a set of questions to use when interviewing. They are all either common sense or do unto others questions. I thought some of you might fancy having a go at them.
And while the funny answers will be good... if anybody did have a serious go, it'd be really helpful to me in knowing if I've set the level correctly. I'm going to be interviewing many people who have never worked in the care field before as well as old hands. And I want them to be hard enough to make people think about their answers but not too daunting either.
Have fun.
Interview Questions.
1: I am a ten year old Tetraplegic. How would you greet me for the first time?
2: I am an eighty year old man. I have had a stroke and am paralysed down my right side. My favourite pastime is doing intricate jigsaws. You are scheduled to bath me and I need my genitals washing. How do you go about it?
3: You have just spent an hour and five minutes with a very demanding client. You are already five minutes late for your next call. You are just about to walk out of the door when Betty calls you back. She has tears in her eyes and complains of a massive headache. She begs you to nip to the shop to get her some Asprin. The dilemma is that you are already late for Elsie who is stuck in bed until you can get to her. The relevant point is that the shop is literally next door. With your help,Betty could be feeling better in half an hour. Betty is mobile and perfectly capable of going herself. But she’d have to change into her outdoor clothes. By the time she’s got her slippers off, you could be there and back. It’ll only take you a minute. But, with every second that you stay above your allotted hour, you are robbing Elsie of time. What do you do?
4: You go to a call and find Mabel on the floor. She’s unhurt but cold and you need to warm her quickly. She is conscious and tells you that she’s perfectly able to walk. Her bed is only a few feet from where she’s fallen and you have the aid of her walker and or a hoist. What do you do?
5: It is Christmas and you are such a good carer that as you’re leaving Tommy stuffs a twenty pound note in your hand and insists that you take it. He very much wants you to have it and you will upset him if you refuse. He’s an old man and you want to make him happy. What do you do?
6: You have been shopping for Ted. On his list he has prunes, bread, milk, ready meals, fruit juice, biscuits that he can keep beside him for a snack in between carers, a newspaper and some bed socks because you’ve noticed that his circulation is poor and his feet are freezing. But he hasn’t given you enough money for every item. One item is more important than anything else. What is the most important thing to bring back?
7: Millie lives on home delivery ready meals. You like to keep her diet as varied and as interesting as possible so that she doesn’t get bored. Two weeks ago you gave her a fish pie and she loved it. She hasn’t had it since, so you opt for that and banana custard for dessert. You take her food in and she tells you that she hates fish. You haven’t got time to cook another meal as your next call is due. She still has her pudding and she has bread so you could make her some toast and leave her the cake tin beside her. What do you do?
8: You have spent half an hour getting Sally, up, bathed and dressed. You recommended that the pink cardigan would go better with her outfit but Sally chose the blue one. You are on your way out of the door when she calls you back and tells you that she’s changed her mind about the cardigan. You are already ten minutes late for your next call and poor Elsie, who you always seem to go to late, is still lying in bed. What do you do?
9: You go to Arthur. It is your job to get him up, bathed and dressed. Arthur says that he doesn’t want to get up. He wants a lie in. He’s never done this before but he has to get up, if he opts to stay in bed he’s going to be stuck there until his next call at lunch time. How do you persuade him to get up?
10: It’s winter. Jerry’s flat is like a fridge. He is a twenty-eight year old MS suffer and he is very stubborn. His hands are ice cold and his feet are blue. You want to set his central heating for him but he won’t allow you to touch it because he says he can’t afford the bill. He is putting himself in serious danger by sitting in a room with no heating at all. What do you do?