"Text talk" in poetry.
I curious to know what people think of the use of words/abbreviations being used in poetry that come from text messaging and the use of instant chat (msn, gchat, etc) services.
I have been finding that when I use these in my poetry, people often find it off-putting.
I find it a curious point/criticism, because I honestly don't see why people have a problem with it.
For me this sort of thing is a natural step in the evolution of everyday language - we don't write in the same way we did a few or even a couple of hundred years ago because the language we use on a regular basis has changed, so why would we?
I find it odd that there is this aversion to people using modern language in modern poetry. Maybe it's because of the fact that the change is so explicitly a technology based one means that it seems less natural to some people? Less valid somehow because of it?
I don't know. It's something I find genuinely interesting. "Text talk" is fought against so much, but I honestly don't see how it is any different from any other change in the way we use language.
I would be interested to know what you think about this, what your reactions are when you see this language used in poetry, and why you think there is the reaction there is to this.