Double spacing

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Double spacing

Why does a poem saved on my PC come up in double spacing when uploaded onto ABC?  And I can't do anything about it.  Help!

When you press enter in Word (for example) it ends a paragraph (if you tell it to show symbols you'll see  a ¶). A paragraph in default html style has a space after it.

It's not an ideal solution but, when writing in Word if you press Shift+Enter for a new line then you get a line break instead of a paragraph break, which will post into ABCTales with no line spacing.


Hi Linda

I'm not great at explaining tech stuff and you may be on a different system from me but this is how I do it:

  1. I open my internet through Firefox
  2. ABC is on my Google Bookmarks
  3. When I go to Write Story, inside the Body of Text box there is a row and a half of icons
  4. At the right hand end of the first row you find Format
  5. Press the arrow at the right hand side
  6. Go down below Heading 6 and the very last option says Normal(DIV)
  7. Press that. Just need to do it once.

all the best
