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I have 6 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 5509 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

MrSquirrel's picture
Dingo Callaghan

My collections

My stories

The Secret Cosmonaut

(The following story is completely true. As is this statement. You can trust me.)


I have heard it said that people experience pain in different ways.

Reservations in the Reservation

Shitting-Dog sat outside his teepee contemplating life. Puffing on his pipe, he questioned the fairness of the world.


I realised I had lost it in September. I didn't find it until December, by which time she had already gone.

The Funeral

The sun barely peaked over the horizon when they left. The last car slowly drove away taking the last of the teary-eyed with it.
