Microchrist's important birthday...
Tue, 2001-07-24 14:10
Microchrist's important birthday...
It's my birthday on July 25th and I shall be 33 years old. This is an important birthday for me because I am celebrating my life at various speeds of a record player... When I reach 33 1/3, I shall have reached the first phase of my recorded life. I then must wait until I am 45 to have the next level of satisfaction, vinyl style, thrust upon me... i shall make the most of that, as i must wait again for my 78th birthday, when the whole thing ends and I shall be ready for my play-out groove. I'm going to have a sandwich now... Cheers-o...
Happy Birthday to you - and just beware of scratches or you'll be around forever.
pip pip,
Am I correct in thinking that someone with a name similar to yours pegged it at 33?
If I were you, I'd get scratchin'...
Happy bithday, by the way.
make the most of it.
this is the last time you get to make a long play.
at 45 you will be single.
at 78 you will be a goon.
Happy B-Day Microchrist!
have a great one....and don't forget to tell us again in 4 months so we can celebrate your 33 1/3 B-day.
Have faun