Hi I am steadily working through a novel Is anyone else doing the same who would like me to critique theres if they could do the same for me. Or just give some points of view on it.
Just now i am on a sticking point at tenses when writing and not sure if what i have written is working well.
Reece the central character in the story is looking back in one night in his life. The whole story revolves around this but i was thinking of changing to another plot and use all the chapters i have already written and work them through the new plot as a series of flash backs to help show what might have took his to the point where he now finds himself.
The new plot i was thinking of would be based in his present life as he tries to sort his head out while homeless and would be written in normal font while at times when he gets a bit down he flashes back, kind of creating two series main story line through out in the same story. But one could concentrate on characterization, setting ect
Would this work.
It's not a's a feature.