the Retreat

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the Retreat

After the successes of the Convent and the Retreat, tiger Aspect produced 'The Retreat' which was screened on BBC2 last night. The idea was to take six people for a retreat in an islamic retreat centre on a spiritual journey. The participants were a mixed bag - an agnostic, a couple of muslims, a busy businesman , a reiki therapist. I thought the participants were better selected than those for the convent who were one wafer short of the full communion.

I enjoyed it but thought the 'hidden' agenda was blatant rather than 'hidden'. The retreat leader was a sufi (although tried to deny that label and claim to classical islam) and far more liberal with islam than what I perceive as mainstream (and even he admitted that and criticised the type of islam prevelant in the world today). The agenda was obviously to try and promote moderate islam. I am not saying that they should have chosen an extremeist but somebody who is typical of a iman in the uk today.

I felt very sorry for the practising muslim girl who questioned some of the unorthodox practices and was then slated by the retreat leader for making a stand. His opinion was that her version of Islam was hypocritical and wrong. It was equivalent to shoving me in a retreat with some of the more charismatic, happy-clappy-talk-in-tongues individuals in catholicism (I'm not saying it's wrong - it just is not how most catholics practice and not for me) and then criticising me for not joining in.

One good point was one of the other retreat leaders explaining the prophet was concerned with his heart being right and his relationship with Allah and others.

Anyone else watch it?

Um I hate to say this, but is extremism really typical of an imam in the uk today? It's just I know a few in my local area and none are extremist in any way.
no ... I did say that they should be typical of a iman in the uk today...not an extremist Probably my poor grammar if you thought I was implying that extremism is really typical of an imam jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


I had a dream about you last night, Jude. I dreamt that you were my flat mate, and I found you looking through my diary. Really weird. I wonder why I dreamt about you? :-/ There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

I have forsaken any form of reality television until they bring back regular, properly researched, well made documentaries. I watch sport, drama and soaps instead. What can a poor boy do but sing in a rock and roll band?
Tony, it was Al Gore who won the Oscar for best documentary. 'Inconvenient Truth', about the dangers of global warming was hailed as a piece of properly researched journalism. It could be that Al Gore is gonna be your new-found hero!


I watched it and enjoyed it, so far, although I agree that Sufis are not what would be considered 'mainstream' Islam at this time. However, I felt that this wasn't a bad thing, to have a Sufi as the mediator for Islam, as Sufism is the one sect I can really dig. Conversely, I *didn't* feel sorry for the girl whose literal and regimented view of her religion put her in some absolutely absurd situations (like being unable to touch a man whilst tripping down a steep hill in full hijab). If there was a hidden agenda in that scene it was very well done and has my full approval, as I think the ones who are so sure that theirs is the *literal* interpretation of any holy book are usually the ones who burn people at stakes, fly airplanes into skyscrapers, etc. In other words, they're usually wrong. I LOVE the DJ, wotsisname. He's great. The atheist I just feel a little sorry for: a near death experience and he still exists solely in his head.
the atheist (well 'questioning agnostic') is very scientific, I liked the preview of the next episode where the woman says 'I'm not asking you to believe in allah, I'm asking you whether you can believe that you have a spirit...' I am not suprised at this despite the fact he's overcome testicular cancer.My faith waxes and wanes. If I had to name a time in my life when I felt least spiritual, suprisingly, it was when I was seriously ill and facing an op that might kill me. Weird, because I hear so many stories of people who aren't at all religious praying when they are facing serious illness but it was the opposite with me. jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


... but I do agree with you that it was rather silly that whats-her-name would risk breaking a limb rather than touch a man.


I think the one with whom I identify the most is the psychology/religion student-lady, Pom. I've spent a similar lifetime searching amongst the teachings and religions for the Great Answers. I've experienced religious ecstasy, although I'm not religious. She will be interesting to watch. I wonder if wotsisname will give up his mobile phone addiction?
I didn't watch the programme, but... I think the only way to achieve true spirituality is to learn from and yet ultimately forsake all religions... belief systems... doctrines... pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

"I think the only way to achieve true spirituality is to learn from and yet ultimately forsake all religions... belief systems... doctrines..." Yes.Personally I agree. Presumably we would replace them with say.. Atheism? Darwinism? Problem is... Would those alternatives not then become religions them self's?
Absolutely not, jrc! Replace them with nothing! Atheism and Darwinism are also "belief systems"... although Atheism is perhaps an anti-belief system... and Darwinism is not so much a belief system as a scientific theory... but you get my point... (do you?)... pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

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