Multiple postings

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Multiple postings

It looks as if new arrivals are going over the limit.
I counted eight entries from one author on a single day. Could it be that the warning on the FP is not evident enough?
It is a pity but certain contributions are going to be overlooked and not commented upon because of the sheer volume.

I have just noticed that the warning is no longer on the front page.


Or, even better, why not add it to the members individual 'Write Story' page, at the top, above 'Details of your story', where it can't be missed when people submit. This is how I do it on UKA (it even flashes!) and it works fine, members very rarely go over the limit (so to speak). I think a ot of people miss it on the fp (especially if it isn't there :-))
It is also on the 'welcome' note to all new members. I just write to them and they tend not to do it again.
Yes, on our 'welcome' note too, as I recall (or if it isn't it should be!), but that's automated, as is yours I expect, so probably doesn't have much impact, or members forget. Either way, if you added to submission page, Tony, it'd save you having to write every time, which is a lot of work and, on UKA, it seems to work very well. As Luigi points out, it is a shame when new members (innocently) post multiple subs and others go overlooked.
It's a shame, some of the work is really good but it kind of puts you off commenting when they 7 or 8 pieces, one after the other. Annoying but understandable that a positive comment just seems to encourage more volume.
not to mention it pushes other works down off the 1st page of recently added. and alot of people don't bother to read beyond the first page. guess they think it's too much effort.

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

We now have some additional techie help so this will be done by the end of March with any luck. Yippee.
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