Spaceships And The Future Of Health Care
Tue, 2009-08-18 01:07
Spaceships And The Future Of Health Care
Its well known that aliens abduct teenagers for a number of years ,but I've heard they also abduct other members of the human race to conduct experiments .
I am starting to think that we have aliens currently working in our health care system .
Awareness is a good thing .
Do any of you know know a way to stop an invasion ?
FTSE100 as I've forgot the co-ordinates of the Mothership I asked a friendly policeman who brought me to a place where he said the Mother ship is . Strange people in white suits are everywhere .
All I have to do now is seek out the re-programming areas .Thanks FTSE100 , I think I've come home .
Just look up the Mothers of Invention - they'll sort you out.
They're a Rock And Roll Band right ?
No! Your thinking of 'The Sisters of Mercy'
Huh? ...sorry must have hit the wrong link..c ya later, maybe
Ok . Which meteor did you come from ?
Welcome we are a peaceful race .