Damn recession!

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Damn recession!

Apologies for this, but I've just found out that I'm being made redundant, and the prospect of having no money at all has forced me to go against my own grain and resort to shameless self publicity...

...Buy my book! Buy my book! Buy my book!

It's called Cats Belong In Ovens and it's a collection of humourous (and often rude) poems, and it wont take up much room on your bookshelf! It's not exactly Dante, but it might make a good Christmas present...

If you want a general flavour of what's inside it then check out


You can get it on Amazon or direct from Lulu:

Apologies again for the shameless self-promotion - please forward all complaints to Gordon Brown, 10 Downing Street, London.

Thank you in anticipation of your money,


That's a bloody good sales pitch. And I just read a sample...I say, you're not me, are you? Similar to my 'In A Word' doggerel. I might just buy me a copy! (of yours I mean, not mine, of course - I don't need to buy a copy of that!) http://www.ukauthors.com http://www.ukapress.com
I may be you Andrea, but then again I may not! It's all so confusing these days... Thanks for looking at my stuff - if you do buy a copy (of my book - not yours :) ) then you will go straight to the top of my Christmas card list! Back off to the fish4jobs site again now I guess - there's a ridiculous amount of adverts for wannabe porn stars on there today. Very odd. Thanks again Kris
Looks great - I am severely tempted!
Fantastic! Thanks Tony :) There's plenty more copies out there for everyone, so don't be shy! Roll up roll up for the Great Cats Belong In Ovens Bonanza! Free invisible (and weightless, and silent) cat with every purchase! Fits in your oven a treat (if you can find it)!
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