Three questions
Question One - I have written a parody of a well known children's story for adults using the same characters names. Am I allowed to do that?
Question Two
I have also part written a piece based on something that was read out to a creative writing class back in the eighties. The piece was written by one of the teacher's students but we were never told the student's name. I really liked the piece and at that time I had a good memory so when I got home I wrote down what I could remember. Since then I have mucked about with it on numerous occasions. If I knew the person's name I would gladly give credit that it was that person's original idea but I can't now remember what parts were written by the student and what parts are my additions. If I posted this would I be guilty of plagiarism?
Question Three
Can anyone remember what question three was?
Parson Thru
Parson Thru