A couple of observations straight away.
You have to log in (or register if you haven't already) to contribute to the forums. Otherwise you will get read-only.
Pop to the top is back.
oooh, this so exciting. I'm just out of hospital having had my foot re-done and so it's back on the sofa for another few weeks. At least I have the new site and the Ashes test matches to look forward to.
this is a great piece of work by fingers and I am deeply grateful to him - and to Steve and Mark in the office for guiding it all through with David and Mus's fantastic assistance.
thankyou all and I hope that the rest of you enjoy it and all will be peace and love once more.
Hey! new site and forums - bloody great. Was worried ABC was on it's way out but it's back with style. Glad to see we have to log in as ourselves to post - smart move.
Hope your foot gets better soon, Tony - although I heard it was only 6 inches... (groan).
Ha! I guess I did something wrong with the first attempt. Oh well. Site looks good so far, and I logged on with no problems.
Take care of the foot Tony. (ouch, hurts just to think about it.)
I'd say that abuse based on choice of shirts was almost mandatory.
Any stuff that is confusing, baffling or otherwise difficult to get your head around about the new site, send an email to help@abctales.com(link sends e-mail).
We're compiling the Frequently Asked Questions Page (http://www.abctales.com/abctales_faq) as we go along, so any question that you ask will help in making ABCtales easier to use for everyone.
Not a bad job though, eh?
Can we abuse people based on their religious belief, skin color, nationality, IQ, sexuality (or lack thereof), length of hair, lack of hair, and extra digits?
Speaking of FAQs, it looks like we already have one.
Q: OMG!!!1!!!one! My comment didn't go through! I must be banned!
A: Do make sure you pressed 'Post comment' and not 'Preview comment'.
Of course if that's not why your comment didn't go through, then ignore the flippant tone of that and do tell us. :-) Any problems, click on 'Contact Us' at the bottom of the page.
Mark/Steve - You think we should maybe add a 'Help' forum for people having trouble with the new site? Takes 2 seconds...
Sorry to put this here, but I've been trying to flag up a piece of work - Burning Ambition (KevinJHeritage) - but i keep getting 'access denied' when i create a new subject, depsite the fact I am logged in.
It all looks great - logged in fine, look and feel very nice. I didn't realise I had so many stories!
Congratulations and thanks to everyone who worked on it.
hellooo tom ....
this site is a marvel ... it's a stalkers paradise ... you can look up an author and then see what they have posted ... stories and forum ... ooooo hahahahah ... *rubs hands in glee*
Ye Gods! Tom, Liana, Fish, Martin, and Justyn all on the same thread. It's like turning on Top of the Pops and seeing T Rex and the Bay City Rollers.
I need a lie down.
Like finding out that Pink Floyd have reformed - with Syd Barrett making a guest appearance.
The site's much more attractive for writers in that you can easily see all your own work - haven't tried updating anything yet though!
Well done you techie guys.
It's not a bug...it's a feature.
It's not a bug...it's a feature.
It's not a bug...it's a feature.
It's not a bug...it's a feature.