Hello from purplehaze

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Hello from purplehaze

Well, I come crawling back and find that Jude's brain has been bleeding but the angels being on her side and all, she's still here so that's great, and slightly lessened the shock of all the changes on the site and from the Universe in general, which is overwhelming me, but as my brain has chosen not to bleed so far, I suppose I'm really in good shape.

I've really missed writing though and want to get back to it and to stop reading things other than self help books.

Was I away that long? Is the baby here yet?

The site seems a lot faster right enough.

Hope you're all well.

Hello Purplehaze (not really sure who I'm talking to as everybody's back to their original log-in names but welcome back.) Do you mean Rachel's baby? You can catch up here: http://www.abctales.com/node/200421
Ooh good, you're back. What a fine thing that is - I trust all is well with you and your garden.
Welcome back. And by the way, I've noticed that there are nearly 1000 guests viewing the site right now. That is A LOT of people viewing a web site simultaneously. Way to go! Volume of viewership is recovering nicely I see. A few days ago it was only 500 or so at once. Is there such a thing as a Gang Read Contest? *coughs*
Hello again. Have a new laptop so am internetted up at home again, hurray... Met Fish and Eggie Buns in Edinburgh yesterday, they are fab and gorgeous obviously. Have not been writing anything at all as have been rock bottom in wallowing, but am back and will write heaps on my new laptop - am v. chuffed with it apart from IM not working yet. Garden is full of rocket and mental sweet peas and a platic green house pending some green beans moving from my window sill - they are actually growing out of the window now to get out there. Shameful depressive lack of action. Gardener is no longer my source of obsession, don't know what I ever saw in him Am going speed dating All very sad. But sort of enjoying belly dancing with the Universe:-) Hope you're all well, looking forward to posting heaps again. Have been acting mad, like cats. luv H


lord ... she is gorgeous (purplehaze that is) ... and a nutty marvellous belly dancer ... watch out world ... i demand lots of stuff to be posted asap ... cant wait ...
Hi Purple, nice to see you back. Look forward to seeing some of your writing and diaries soon. Drew xxxx


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