Top Ten Most Marvellous of Things (II)

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Top Ten Most Marvellous of Things (II)

We've done this before years ago but I know I need a gratitude list to pep me up!!! The things that sticks in my mind from the last thread were Dr Marten Sandals (fish I think) Stolichnaya vodka (pesky I think) Andrew Pack (pesky I think) Never having to do PE again - ever (Mark Brown)

Go wild!

In no particular order

1. Being sober
2. Having a roof over my head and will be getting a flat soon.
3. Having some real and decent friends. Having a lovely man in my life even though I was nasty to him and don't deserve him.
4. Brothers
5. Having two large blocks of yummy cheese in the fridge and a bottle of vanilla syrup from starbucks to put in my coffee
6. Having a job I enjoy which enables me to use my creative and techie skills
7.New boots from Schuh
8. Having been given the gifts to write poetry and the opportunity to share it. Being poem of the week this week and having 2 others accepted by magazines.
9. The ability to laugh at weakness (quote Radiohead)
10. Being given all clear at hospital the other week.

CHECK IT Just read that old thread! My list from 27th July 2004 was... 1. The Holy Trinity 2. Lourdes 3. Strawberry Daquiri 4. Large and well stocked supermarkets 5. Dalston Market on a hot sunny day 6. My brothers 7. The hinternet 8. Faure's Pavane 9. ABC tales 10. Dylan Thomas ONLY my brothers made it on to both lists!!! Cheese, roller skating, red wine and dancing went on Fergal's list - not all at once I hope!


1. My wife. 2. Friends 3. Curry 4. Jazz. 5. Guitars. 6. Books. 7. Films. 8. Wales. 9. Beer and food in a pub garden on a sunny day. 10. A walk along the beach at Rhossili. If you want to buy my book, visit my blog:
1) I'm with Tom on the walk along the beach at Rhossili. (My parents live in Port Eynon, Tom.) 2) Playing football. 3) Sunshine. 4) Seafood 5) Meat 6) Nigel Slater 7) Family 8) Midnight frisbee 9) Writing 10) My friends.
1. My kids 2. my pets 3. my friends 4. my laptop 5. my car 6. walking the dog on the beach early in the morning. 7. Eating cockles in vinegar out of a polystyrene container on the seafront in the summer. 8. drinking Budvar in Prague. 9. Naveen Andrews. 10. Kimi Raikkonen.
Port Eynon, eh, Spack. You lucky bugger. My father's family live around Swansea. He was born in Skewen. Which was a village when I used to visit as a child! If you want to buy my book, visit my blog:
1. Winter is ending 2. long straight empty oxforshire roads 3. my camera 4. people who want to help make films for no money 5. my lappy 6. calling a laptop a 'lappy' 7. opengl 8. people who keep saying nice things about my stories 9. gin and tonic 10. yogurt on bran-flakes instead of milk


1. My family and friends for embracing the writer in me and never saying you are wasting your time. 2. My glorious husband who reads every draft of everything I write. 3. Sex, sex, sex. 4. My sisters reprieve. (never believed in miracles before now) 5. Books, books and more books. 6. School holidays. (hee hee 2 weeks off) 7. Watching my children grow. (even though they get a little closer to leaving me each day.) 8. Walking my dog at sunset in the park as my children slide down hills on cardboard boxes. 9. Getting older and not caring about the latest fashion, music, phone… 10. Laughing. Juliet


Thanks for the link Jude, my list is completely different to the last one although worryingly I have realised that my husband doesn't figure on either so.... 11. My man.
1- my kids, it was my youngests 1st birthday today! 2 - my wife 3- my home, never expected to have a permanent one, well semi permanent 4- my dog, an escape every evening for an hour or two 5- my writing 6- not using hard drugs for nearly eight years 7- my in-laws, who treat me as one of their own, being part of a family's nice. 8- friends who give me encouragememnt to stay on the straight and narrow 9 -my garden which was once a huge bramble bush 10- sex nobody
five Kelly Brooks'
1. Being loved. 2. Hot buttered toast. 3. Downhill skiing 4. Uphill chair lifts. 5. Friends 6. Dreams. 7. The beach at Waterville, Co. Kerry 8. Barbarians v All Blacks 1973 9. Coffee 10. Sunday Mornings with 1, 2, 9, and the newspapers.
1. My loved ones 2. All things creative 3. A good mystery 4. Witty, Sharp minded people 5. My guitar 6. Anything Challenging 7. My Dogs 8. Books 9. Sharing thoughts, idea's with people like you lot 10. Anything Science.
1. Family button boxes 2. Brioche and bitter hot chocolate 3. Cold sunny days (like today!) 4. A visual memory 5. Not having to ever shop in a supermarket 6. Having found two good good friends 7. Having fallen in love once so far 8. Writing poems 9. Grubby dance floors where everyone is so worried about being cool that the thrill of acting like a non- rhythmic loser is both entertaining, informative and fun 10. The fact that peoples ability to forget how much things hurt means they wont ever be scared.
1. A glass house when nobody's looking and a pile of proportionally hand-sized stones. 2. The bloke in the cafe who gives me free lattes. 3. Morrisey's new album. 4. Cooking food for people who like eating. 5. Writing. 6. Sunshine on my red hair. It's so cool and makes me feel like I'm 'on fire'. 7. All the things on my original list on Jude's link. 8. Getting things in the post. 9. Chopin. (the composer, not the act). 10. Hope.
I'd put down my top ten but I fear it would unmask me as the geeky, shallow glutton I truly am. Oh, go on, then... 1. My cat 2. The Nintendo DS (reminds me of when I was twelve and video games were enchanting, technological marvels) 3. Writing 4. My friends (it's only when things go wrong you realise what a fucking amazing bunch of people you're surrounded by) 5. The sea 6. Cheffing up (I've graduated from Apprentice to Adept and I'm now preparing to make a run at MadSkillzMaster) 7. Having adventures 8. Sunny weather 9. Beer gardens 10. English pancakes when you've got the munchies
Today has a new list - because I feel all optimistic and stuff. 1. Fresh bread 2. Working in a lovely big house in a Hampstead Suburb not a grotty city office 3. Calvin Klein boxer short type things for girls 4. Elgar, Allegri, Rutter (okay I know that's three) 5. Italian Biscuits 6. The fact I have three quarters of a bottle of vanilla syrup for my coffee and one and a quarter blocks of cheese in the fridge 7.My digital camera 8. Dafodils 9.Lighter evenings 10.optimism


Anonymous's picture
1. My Family – hands down number one (the rest are in no particular order) 2. Music 3. Snowy days spent writing in a café 4. Snowy days spent reading in a café 5. Traveling 6. Very dark beer 7. Beethoven’s Ninth (which I guess in included in #2) 8. Friends who understand me, and are still my friends 9. The French Quarter in February 10. Going on “dates” with my daughter
1. My friends, who cook me meals (see below) and talk crap to me in the middle of the night and write poems with me and tell really funny jokes and make me really happy. 2. Dinner parties when no-one feels like they have to be on their best behaviour. 3. Blood oranges, Cadburys chocolate buttons and cups of tea. I realise these are three things, but you really have to experience them together. 4. Writing poems. 5. My family. 6. Dancing like a loon. 7. Aussie chef Bill Granger. And his coconut bread. 8. Reading a book that makes you want to skip work and all your meals until you finish it. 9. Drawing a picture that reminds me that I CAN draw. 10. Taking a bath on a summery evening with the lights off and the window wide open.
This is a difficult one 1.Jenny's cooking 2. Teapot tea 3. My daughter 4. Music 5. Friends 'til the end 6. Free time 7. Good skunk 8. Sleeping tablets 9. Meeting someone who restores your hope in humanity Hear my music:

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

1. My wife and kids - even though they are grown up and flown to all corners of the earth (the kids, not my wife). 2. Frank Zappa 3. The England football team 4. Skiing downhill 5. Behaving as you feel and not as you ought 6. Sushi 7. My own cooking 8. Books 9. Walking for miles and miles with wonderful views 10. Italy
no particular order here 1. italy - language, people, place, in my soul and always will be 2. sydney - hometown, memories, the harbour, the bridge 3. sunshine beating down while lying on the beach and after a few hours getting up and feeling groggy from the heat 4. really, really big storms that wash everything away and scare you with thunder and lightning and stuff and make it so nice to curl up in bed and hide under the covers 5. smoking - not the healthiest passtime i know but i love the way the smoke curls through the air when i blow it out 6. coloured glass making rainbows in a room 7. family - they remind me of who i am and even though their expectations are unrealistic sometimes they make me keep trying 8. friends - well, the good ones - because we can laugh and cry and talk about everything and nothing 9. kookaburras - i love to laugh and with those birds around i always have company 10. cooking yummy creations with fresh veggies and herbs and spices, because then i get to eat them
1. My husband and family (even though they're all grown up now - my kids not my husband - he never will, hopefully!) 2. Her Royal Highess Chessie - my black and white fluffy rescue cat, that my husband says looks like a breeze block on legs. 3. My Piano 4. Kitaro's "Silk Road" 5. Old, black and white, family photo albums 6. Knitting scarves and bedspreads, in fact anything that doesn't turn corners. 7. A vase of fresh flowers from my garden 8. Painting - anything and everthing! Even though I can't paint. 9. Marzipan 10. Peace at the end of every day.


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