It's a crazy stupid world...

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It's a crazy stupid world...

Egypt has announced that the Da Vinci Code is to be banned along with the movie as it offends religious beliefs.

Moslems in the USA are demanding such ridiculous concessions such as dividing walls in health clubs to prevent men seeing the women work out, and schools are saying they won't play non-moslem schools at any games unless men are barred form attendance. They claim that agreement to their terms will lead to better integration of religions.


Well forgive me if I'm sceptical.

Everyday religious groups of one kind or another confirm my position as an independent thinker as being the only sensible one.

sorry about the 'such' overload


Here is a reasonably balanced opinion... from the Catholic response group....


It's funny but I was thinking something similar as I watched 'Secrets Of The CIA' last night on Sky. It catalogued various activities of the CIA since its inception 60 years ago. Starting out with small things like the murder of Che Gevara because he was too popular, the idea of taping Vietnamese prisoners mouths shut and leaving them to starve to death in full view of their commerades. It continued with a brief history of the horrendous monsters the CIA had put in power to keep the Communists out (some seemed far worse than Saddam). Then onto the illegal supplying of funds and armaments and the subsequent presidential pardoning of anyone found guilty of such offences. On to the CIA's aid in helping to create Al Queida, and utimately on to the lies and deceits that excused the war in Iraq. Finishing with the question of what useful role does the CIA currently play beside acting as a 'Yes' man for Bush? Since Bush is in power because of the huge support of American Christians for NeoCon policies it does make you wonder how the sheep can have strayed so far from The Shepherd.
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