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I would like to say a big thank-you to Juliet OC for nominating my work, "Novel Extract Two" for being cherry-picked!

you painted a vivid scene and there was real movement in the piece and it made me want to read on. I really felt that you took on board the comments about your work being (at times) sedentary. Now you just need to make sure you keep up the pace. Juliet


I have been writing some more for the first book, and i might have a scene from that one up soon.
Alas, Bubbles I just read this poem thank you I enjoyed it very much I actually cracked a smile and shed a tear on what was prior to reading this a really bad day. I don't know how to start a new post in order to post a comment so i just looked for one with the author's name and tagged on there.
Thanks for the comment! To make a post, btw, you either go to "Post new Forum Topic" which is out on the list before this, or, for a story, go to the collection in question.
Aha! For the last few weeks I've been trying to work out how to add a comment to the story itself...I was determined to get my computer illiterate brain to work it out, but had just decided I needed to ask for help. Now I know! Thanks for that! M
And here's the link: to do this - just go to your story, copy the url in the top bar and paste it on here. It will automatically create the link!
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