I found this site while doing a search on the correct dosage for Zyban to quit smoking. I have the drug in two forms- 150 ml timed release pills, as well as the 200 ml pills. After reading some of the entries it occurred to me it may be a good idea to create an online diary... so here goes. I took one of the timed release Zybans a little while ago. I will increase that dosage to two of them in 4 days.
Several years ago I used Zyban and successfully quit after only 3 weeks. Yeah, I know... I'm an idiot... Started smoking again a few years later. However, the effects were quite miraculous. After 3 to 4 weeks (can't recall for sure) I was having a smoke break at work and realized, not only that I wasn't smoking, but that I had NO desire to!
There are side effects like restless sleep, and some strange alien feelings that go on in your head, but nothing that wasn't manageable...
I hope others will share their experiences as well.... Thank you. PS.. that's strange... when I previewed my post it was dated January 1st, 1970. Hmm. Fact is, it is March 26, 2008. Must be the Zyban Aliens.....