Our Work On Abctales Mugs and T-Shirts e.t.c

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Our Work On Abctales Mugs and T-Shirts e.t.c

Hi All, Tony and Abctales staff :)
I wish too not step on any ones toes or fingers hehe
Just a couple of ideas.

I am sure you have thought about this but I thought
That for me personally I think if my own work and others work were put on too mugs and other items, more people including ourselves may be inclined to buy.

I also feel it will bring a new approach too the meaning of getting published hehe.

I also wanted too know what people thought about doing a collection a couple pieces of each writer maybe and doing like a collage for you tube. That does scare me, hence why I would love too go on abc radio to read but not brave hehe. But if they don't know whose is whose then we should be safe in numbers on you tube hehe.

I am just trying too think of ways not only to help raise money for this great site, but too show case our work, those who need or want it out and about.

Thanks a head of any one reading this and offering ideas, comments :)

Keep Smiling :)
Keep Writing.

I think the 'poems on mugs' idea is brilliant, Prettyrose, though Youtube scares the bejeesus outta me, if I'm honest! But that's just me - I'm sure there are braver souls on here who might be up for that. Think you're the bravest of us all for suggesting it so well done you - Youtube, no, but count me down for a mug :) In fact, I'm gonna get myself an Abctales mug ordered this weekend when the pennies go in the bank so I can start the collection - there are many wonderful poems and lines from short stories on this site that I would love to be able to read while I'm having a cuppa. The more I think about it, the more I think it's a very good idea. Maybe that could be the IP for next week - a poem or paragraph short enough to fit on a mug? Eds? What do you think? Thanks for the inspiration, Prettyrose! :) Rachel xx
Hi Rachel xx I know what you mean about the pennies :) Yes I am not brave about youtube but I am sure someone will do it now. I meant for it to be like a book of poems/stories so no originally names or faces on you tube Rachel, I am not that brave on my own lol. I am more on my originally idea of mugs e.t.c and to be honest its 1 area of business I was planning before the recession. But glad you liked the idea its rare when I have a good one ha ha. Good Idea about the IP Too but I thought that was more for inspirational/story/poem so thanks Rachel for correcting me there, that's why I suggested it in forum my ideas has I was not sure if IP was suitable. Your welcome always glad to help :)))) Trish x

smiley Keep Smiling

Keep Writing xxx

Good ideas - I have thought about this over the years from time to time. I'll get some prices. Anyone know a good supplier? ABCtales Radio is off at the moment - the link should have been removed! But the YouTube thing is a good idea. maybe we shuld just record the 'London sessions' and put them up on there (if the readers agree!) Cheers, Tony
Hi Tony, Glad you liked ideas :) I have so many times been close to read my work on ABCtales radio but not been brave enough so while I thought of our work been 'voiced' on you tube, for some of us, including me, it would be nerve wracking, but would love our poems/stories read, maybe not by my own voice that's why I thought for people like myself our work can be seen on a wider scale without people hearing our voice. I am happy for anyone to read my work, the good ones of course ha ha. I like to hear any more ways ABCtales can be given the much deserved wider audience and hopefully money and for a lot more of us writers on ABCtales to get heard/seen :)) Trish x

smiley Keep Smiling

Keep Writing xxx

I agree! And I work from home and sell online, so I could see what I can find out from other suppliers if that will help. (I sell car cleaning products, by the way - if anyone wants a kit to clay their car just give me a shout) ;) Sorry for the plug, but business is business! Would be nice though, wouldn't it, to have a mug with a favourite poet or writers work on the side and a nice pair of cherries, with their ABC profile name underneath. My mind is running wild right now - great idea about the London Sessions, too, Tony :) Only problem is that there are so many great writers on here and I don't think I have a cupboard big enough for all the mugs I would want! And you only get six on a mug-tree, sometimes only four, they're useless ;)
Lol Rachel :) That made me laugh thanks for that :) Your right business is business and if you cannot help a fellow writer then who should we help hehe :) I do not have a car but if you have any other items I could use let me know I may buy:)))) but great you will check out the suppliers for us all thank you :) And that's what I had hope to all get thinking on ways to get has many of us seen/heard and ABCtales with no cost or little. We can show them in their Agents office and Publishing houses that we only need a great site with talented staff running it! and wonderful writers to come up with imaginative ways that is the future and not necessary needing them all the time. Sorry like Rachel I get carried away when passionate about something. But it felt like I was writing a 'we can do it' speech. I know what you mean about being so many talented writers we would not be able to afford or stock all the mugs lol, I was thinking a wider choice of branding, mugs, t-shirts our own A4 folders with ABCtales on it but stories inside, picture frames, candles the list is endless, but Tony can help us more that side. Trish x

smiley Keep Smiling

Keep Writing xxx

I agree with the mug idea and am thinking of T-shirts as well. You tube would be okay too. I'd personally love to wear an Abctales t-shirt with some lines on it.
Hi Pia :) Glad you liked ideas :) Yes that's what I was thinking of all sorts of items. Its just costing and then how we progress getting them out their, My aim with all your help is to get has many of our work and ABCtales heard and seen. I would to love to have not only my own on things but all of the writers work well what they said was ok to put on them. Trish :)

smiley Keep Smiling

Keep Writing xxx

new To all, re; ideas I have some mugs.lovely.Editor t.cook then kindly delivered. Way back. I suggested then t.shirt, but here pay for print of t.shirt say £12.99 and put a photo on if good, of anything, T shirts I have some things on,already from "JESSOPS". S.M.L MINE PUT ON disc. I believe it sent away for about 2 weeks etc; and one can collect then. Has to be clear photos animals people etc; Any help. "Jump The Gun" used to iron on, but now closed.But as bought mag;23 I do carry,ask some,amazed people interested AbcTales. Plus the local paper argus, Hove Library Thursday doing stand up poem over 50's elderly drop in centre,now answered. And can read with other's to-morrow? Just go! Wish me luck! what one too choose.But to do anything like that T shirt's on large scale,be expensive.Maybe have one Editor's signature t.cook and a few lines whatever on. I still have one with 'Cavalcader' on. And one young,of me. from groups, states,put on "Pick yourself up and dust yourself down" start all over again.Or whatever elderly did when young. of Falconry, baby in a pram old times Regent brighton some etc; If it took off, have to be done on a bulk,so much off have to ask. Just a thought!Buy one get one free he! he! most is now clothes. Good idea re; London and the sessions,t.cook Editor (Tony) julie xx
Hi Julie :) brilliant thanks for all that. And I wish you luck at the Library, but for some that is either not happening in their community or they choose out of illness or money or nerves not to do it. that's the very reasons I suggested the ideas I did and still have others, is to get has many of the ones that can't get out even to their local library or London, or just need support to do things in public or even over a radio. I want has many of our work on things or radio or you tube but if without limiting to area, or one specific route. I know my friend use to drop in to a server site where it was much like this chat all sorts without the writing though, but they use to host a radio show a couple times a week where the d.j if you like would be able from any where in the country set up is/her comp and delivery songs that was thread through to the site and everyone could listen to the songs and comment at the same time, That is what I mean where the shy or disabled can also take part without leaving their homes or if they cant get out but want their work read. or seen. I am so glad its getting us all thinking and hopefully we will make it happen. Trish x

smiley Keep Smiling

Keep Writing xxx

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