Lycanthropy - fact or fable?
There's a large, dirty white stray cat that hangs out with our cats, and as it's crawling with fleas (and probably ear mites too) it keeps reinfecting our cats however often we treat them. This afternoon, on the pretence of giving the pussycat a hearty meal, I decided to treat it with a spot-on anti parasite chemical. It bit me on the wrist, and I have three deep puncture wounds - the cat may be missing a canine or that might just be down to the angle of the bite. I cleaned the wounds out with Dettol and they bled profusely, and now my wrist is aching like a bastard. I have a sneaking suspicion that the white cat is a werecat. Naah, there can't be any truth in that nonsense, can there? (Brief silence while The Walrus scratches his ears and licks his balls). Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....