Do you have a problem posting comments? Do they appear repeatedly? Chinobus has a problem with it and I think I heard about someone else? Perhaps Footsie could take a look at this? Personally I don't have a problem with it.
It's an annoying phenomenon isn't it. I'm no expert but think this may occur when the website is working slowly for some reason, and you hit the button again because you think it didn't register the first time. Or, as I think is the case with my elderly PC, it may be because your broadband connection is either basically too slow or is running slowly. Just a suggestion.
Testing, posting, and it still does it. I figured out that I need to oress on my account as wuick as possible to prevent mass comments. I think its the server or my mobile phone. Either way its still a massive pain and you have my sincerest apologies.
- Chinobus -
- Chinobus -