Anyone know who this Spartacad Bloke is?
Wed, 2013-05-22 22:35
Anyone know who this Spartacad Bloke is?
I mean, what is his problem?
Take a look at these remarks;
He accuses both Denni and myself of being morons and cretins, and I'm not saying he isn't entitled to his opinion, and I'm not saying we're not, but it's a bit confrontational, isn't it?
He goes on to say there's a park bench somewhere that requires us, and then calls us "vacant plebs infesting ABCtales," which either way you look at it is a bit harsh, isn't it?
I've asked him what he bases these opinions on, but he's neglected to reply.
I have absolutely no idea what I've done to upset to geezer.
Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.