100000 approacheth!

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100000 approacheth!

Just thought I'd mention it... (if it hasn't been mentioned before)... :)

There's a gentle wager on the exact date when it will happen peps'. And a hedge on the number of members at the time when that figure is reached.  It can be found in the forum annals but I can't be bothered to look, lol!


Keep banging in v short shorts in the hope of making it into the anals of ABCtales forum.

Parson Thru

It's a good feeling when one gets to that level.. and it will surprise you how fast then it takes to hit your first million... for me (on other sites) it took 1/3 of the time 0 - 100000.  Congrats on your achievement so far... Rob

It's a big, round exciting number. That's a hell of a lot of great stories, inspired poems and wild rants. And I certainly hope there's as much and more to come. My money's with you, Rob...  

Not that ABC Tales is a "rubbish old car"! (which I am sure you didn't mean to imply... wink)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!


The All New Pepsoid the Second!

So close!


The All New Pepsoid the Second!