Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point


The Wee Small Hours

The Wee Small Hours It seems that the night and darkness in general are dominating my memories and my writing at the moment. I suppose it’s only...

Stonehenge 1965

It's only just occurred to me how fitting this piece is for several of the recent 'Inspiration Point's' So I guess I am looking at Stonehenge from several perspectives.I is true to say that as a young boy the exeprience that day/early morning was to change me forever....forest_for_ever! The image above is actually a clrcke of stones near Chippping Norton.....I didn't have a camera back in 1965!

It outshines the old!

Rushing to the pub with their weekly pay … Some loved buildings old, with their ritual, bells…Some loved hate of Christians …


The cinema was in the basement of an imposing Art Deco building
