Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point


Seeing the end from the …

Composing … Exciting beginning – but where is it going?t Is the goal in view, the end, the conclusion? Can you follow it through, keep the attention...

Unheard Gossip

‘Penelope, Penelope are you home?’ I called up the stairs to my daughter. I had just done a massive weekly grocery shop, as we had had nothing in the...

When the Time Comes

“Wait? What? Did you just tell me you were pregnant?” “Yes, Mum. Yes, I’m pregnant.” Kerry tried to wrap her head around it, but the news was just...

The Rose

I thought I would try my hand at some flash fiction. Picture from pixabay. Dan looked down at the crushed, dew kissed, red rose on the footpath. He...

How did it arise?

Exquisite the painting, admired, bestowed delight for the viewers and compliments flowed … but not to the artist whom none of them knew, though...
