Inspiration point (IP)

The season is shifting, so this week's Inspiration Point is 'a change in the air'. Interpret it as you will, and look forward to seeing the results! 

Inspiration point

Some Transient, some Permanent

[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundays series] Happiness – elusive gift from life’s burdens bringing lift, limited when based on …

That first light

When there was no light: could one describe the darkness? Could you still speak of the night? Of things being pitch black? Was everything just silent...

The moon is all bluish tonight

It is a fierce, hard blow. I close my eyes in fear, my hands hold the steering wheel as if it were a lifebuoy. My breathing is heavy and difficult...

Precision-Controlled Complex Chemistry

Atomic design ‘solar-system-like’ … atoms share some of their orbiting electrons (to bind together in combination) … and the staggeringly precise complicated-mega molecules found in living creatures …3D folding configurations interlocking … just when and where needed …
