Inspiration point (IP)

The season is shifting, so this week's Inspiration Point is 'a change in the air'. Interpret it as you will, and look forward to seeing the results! 

Inspiration point

My Top Ten.

There are some fantastic things to watch on telly. 10. I love Inspector Morse. I have watched him for decades. 09. I love Vera, the actress who plays...
Gold cherry

Joyful, frugal celebration!

Her ring was old, her grandma’s gold; her love, commitment new and true; her dress she’d had to borrow … no sop to superstition, or slavish following of tradition – just

What about the yellow flowers?

She squeezes my hands like my fingers are thin lemons. I'll let her. I do not dare to look at her. But I know she's biting her lips; I realize there...

Sharing with the One who knows

[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundays series] We see the outer side, the smiling gaze, reports of purchases and holidays. Concerns may all be locked...
