Inspiration point (IP)

Trying to think of something that might help,  while the back door is open for a cat to make their mind up, wondered if this would work for you :

"Out Of The Cold".


Could be escaping it, could be emerging from it, wherever you take this, I look forward very much to reading the results.

I hope you all stay warm and safe and dry this week, and have time to write. 


Inspiration point

The Old Man

I am the Old Man Rugged and worn, The oaths are gone, All the oaths I've sworn I am an Old Friend Grey and part decayed, the memory is gone, all the...

Inanna (IP)

Through seven gates of progress have men passed into this grey age of Erishkigal. How long will its infernal grimness last? How farther has the soul...

the one and only.

I just relized that I have no clue who you actully are. If what I call you is even your real name. If every word that came out of your mouth was a...

IP Babylon was built on Grain

Baby crying in the rain Regaining boiling loneliness. Lone buildings lie in ruined grain. Speak true baby, gale blown bubbles Gray babble grazing...
