Inspiration point (IP)

This week's Inspiration Point is toast. It could be toast that you've spread with jam or something you've raised a glass to, perhaps someone is toast or toes were toasted in front of a fire. I'll leave it to you and look forward to your burnt offerings. 

Inspiration point


Come Hell or High Water...

A stench of death turns her stomach; the water makes her sick, but still, she drinks.

AUTUMN (holiday in Oz) - IP (in a way)

(best read in strong Aussie accent whilst sporting cork-bobbing bushhat) The Aussie’s seem to have it right. As well as swapping day and night, they...

The Flood (IP)

Fans of the Bible (not wishing to defame or libel) Will be looking for blame in all of this rain But if we wait for the floods to abate All the...


Silence is being interrupted by loud raping from earphones of kid standing nearby and noisy moves of tram doors. After exhausting day I am standing...
