Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point

Swordsmanship and First Aid

Carelessly wielding words recklessly, unaware, and don’t care to whom or where a thrust may cut and pierce hurt, spark anger fierce: or a tongue that...

Half The Sky.

I love to watch wildlife, I never tire of it, wherever I am. Maybe it is because I don’t live in the countryside, but live in the town. The urban...
Gold cherry
Story of the week

Lucifer - What's good for the saucy gander

The farmer wasn’t keen on keeping a gander or even increasing his flock but one morning an egg rolled towards his feet and he was reminded of a quote...

The Sage

This week I.P. = pick an idiom, adage or proverb and base a story or poem on it.
