Count Alucard

This sereies of stories i am writing are called Count Alucard, there are 3 stories which are all rated 12 for some disturbing and horror parts in the stories.


I hope everyone enjoys this story!!!!!!! However i don't think this is my best story i have written!!!!!!!!!!

Count Alucard

"Come on, we are going to be late, shouted my mum from the bottom of the stairs. "Hurry up, Mike, and you Sally. We were going to our Uncle's house in Reading for the weekend. He was expecting us to be there at 7:00. His name was Bob. He was a film star, had a lot of money. He lived in a huge mansion with a gym and a swimming pool. Me and my younger sister Sally were really excited. We hadn't been swimming for a long time. We were looking forward to it.

Count Alucard 2

My mum was now out the bed and putting on her clothes. Count Alucard just stood there and smiled. "Kids, it's just a coincidence. So what? Oh and me and your mum, he said smirking at my mum. "It was an accident. But don't you go telling your dad. He now looked really evil suddenly. My mum stood there crying and then confessed to something.

Count Alucard 3

I couldn't feel, hear, smell or see anything; it was like I had lost all of my senses. I was trembling with fear; half of my fear was actually for my little sister Sally who I promised my parents I would look after the day she was born. It now had seemed that I had killed her.