RE: Ode To The Spineless Bastard Who Cloned My Debit Card

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RE: Ode To The Spineless Bastard Who Cloned My Debit Card

Topic posted in response to Ode To The Spineless Bastard Who Cloned My Debit Card :

Well worth reading.

Fantastic! The change of pace works really well in this one.


Absolutely splendid stuff. Really enjoyed it.
Brilliant, just brilliant! Tim, I hope that this is just your imagination at work but fear it may not be so. If it is for real, are you out of pocket or do the credit card company cover the debt?
Thanks for the encouragement, guys! Tony - unfortunately, it is for real. I found out yesterday. The bank are sending me through a form so hopefully I'll eventually get everything that was stolen back. Ah well. Worse things happen at sea, eh?
Don't worry Tim, you should get it back. The laws changed in the middle of last year, so in fact you are not a victim of crime but the bank. They should refund you, pending their own investigation and report it to the police themselves, or just write off the loss. Good poem too!


Happened to me a few months ago but all my fraudster bought was two mobile phones and something not very expensive from Italy. Got it all back fairly swiftly and easily. Curse you for having a more interesting double than me. And it is a very good poem.


I guess you'll have to offset the charge of inspiration.
Read this the other day, thought it was very clever and got better as the piece progressed.


It's a clever poem for definate.
And look at this one too - another Tim gem: That isn't just a gem, that is an entire jewellery box. Brilliant!
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