Steve's writings.

Poems, short stories and so on.

On Angels Wings.

Please this is my first poem ever. Honestly what do you think? Steve

Billy the magic bat.

Ben and his magic bat.

When did I lose my ManHood?

When did I lose my Manhood? Was it when I realized I couldn’t work anymore? Was it when the doctors diagnosing me with an incurable chronic illness?

Why no comments?

You spend the time to write a story. Or a poem. What really is the diffrence between a story or a poem. I truly don't know. I do know that most poetry makes no sense.


I was laying in my bed Then out of nowhere my tv fell and hit me on the head So then I was filled with dread I quickley called my friend Ted. I was amazed at what he said

Devil's Song

Christian lyrics so if you don't like religion don't read it.