abctalers at Summer Sundae festival

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abctalers at Summer Sundae festival

come along the the wonderful Summer Sundae festival in Leicester august 8th 9th 10th - and you can see abctales veterans do their thing ...

Drew Gummerson & Joe Dunthorne will be on together on the 10th and i'll be representing leicester's brilliant spoken word night - Word! - on the 10th too ...

for those of you who actually like music i hear there'll be tons of that too ...

all for the bargain price of £100 including camping ...

see you there!


Ooh - it looks wonderful. I can't make it unfortunately - already committed for that weekend (and take that as you wish). But do give old ABCtales a good plug if you can between you and have a great time. Make sure you see Reverend and the Makers and Joan as Police Woman - they are fab!
Well, we have access to the hospitality area so maybe we will get to meet them. Or as Will, my partner said, 'I'll be sniffing coke of Macy Gray's stomach'. I think he was joking.


He won't get much then - it's not a very big stomach.
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