Mcmanaman on Radio 4

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Mcmanaman on Radio 4

I've just caught the brilliant John Osborne - better known on here as mcmanaman - doing his John Peel's Shed show on Radio 4. It was wonderful.

If you missed it then do go and listen on - it'll be on the repeat thing.

Another ABCtaler making the big time!

And if you like the show then buy his book, Radio Head!

I listened to the whole thing Tony - bloody brilliant. I had no idea that he was a contributor on here. I was thinking this would be just the place for someone like him!!! And I got the bizarre feeling of an echo of familiarity in his words thanks for posting, very interesting.


Hi Tony and scratch. Good spot, Tony, I'll try and catch that show. I have John's book, RADIO HEAD - Up and Down the Dial of British Radio, which my daughter bought for me. It is an excellent and witty book and I had no idea when reading it that the author (John Osborne) was a contributor to ABC Tales as mcmanaman. Very well done to him and a great fillip for ABC Tales. Just goes to show, doesn't it.


Was sneakily listening at work. It was ace. I think he's still touring the show. I can recommend it.


Hey, thanks Tony. It's on tour in Feb and March. Details at
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