Last words
Ever wondered what your very last words might be?
Supposing you're not taken too much by surprise that is ie. shot in the back of the head whilst out walking or shopping, or something.
One of my uncles died this week. One of the most genuinely nicest people I've ever known. He'd been both rich and poor but was always decent.
Last word he said to me on the phone the other week from his hospital bed was 'darling'. I'd said something like 'Hope to see you soon' and he'd said 'Yes darling. Bye darling.'
Got me thinking what his very last words might have been. Could have been something pretty mundane, like 'No, thank you' in reply to a nurse asking if he wanted anything to eat. Or perhaps 'Bye' when his family left after visiting.
Our last words are probably quite similar in sound to our first words.
Mine'll probably, supposing I'm not taken too much by surprise, be, 'Oh, oh, oh, Gu, Gu, Gu, Gu, God.'
I hope so anyway. I'd rather that than 'Oh fuck me, shit.'
More than that 'tho, have you ever wondered what a loved one's last thoughts might have been? I have and, so far, it's all good, in spite of things.
Tanya Jones
- Chinobus -
Natalia :)
Tanya Jones
Oh look, a link. I wonder where it leads.
Tanya Jones
Tanya Jones
Tanya Jones
Tanya Jones
Parson Thru