A Portrait of the Artist as an Old Man

All sorts of stuff has happened to me during the course of my lifetime so far. It's not all been good but it's not all been bad either and in any event I can always find something to raise a smile. So I'm writing it all down and putting it here ... slowly ... so bear with me if you will ... please!

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Pick of the Month

Chocolate, Tobacco and Horse Muck

Each day, as the factory whistle blew at noon, he dashed leisurely home from work on his bicycle to have his dinner because dinner was always eaten...

Time (Clock of The Heart)

‘That one’s five hundred quid mate, but I could probably let you have it for four eighty,’ said the very gaunt looking man pointing to the clock that...

Keeping Teeth and Kidneys for Beginners

According to my team of researchers, Bulgaria has the cheapest beer in the world. At least one bottle of rakia, that well known cure-all,...
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Story of the week

The Jammy Tax Dodger

When I’m settling up for what I owe when leaving a restaurant, disembarking from a taxi, admiring my newly coiffured curls in the mirror at Stanislav...

Back in the M.A.F.F. - Part One of Two

It was the first time I’d ever been asked the question ‘Are you allergic to silage?’ at a job interview. I couldn’t give a definitive answer because...

Back in the M.A.F.F. - Part Two of Two

My dear colleague, Colin the Contortionist, really was called Colin but he was employed by the M.A.F.F. more as a Scientific Officer than as a...
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Story of the week
Pick of the Month

Children of the Absolution

A recollection of thoughts I had during my childhood in the 1960s. I intended writing them down long before now but I was always terrified to death at the thought of the potential consequences.
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Story of the week

Bill or Bob?

If William Shakespeare and Bob Marley had a fight, who do you think would win? There’s only one way to find out…
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My Döner and Chide

The surprises that turn up in your pocket of a Thursday morning.
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Velvet Goldmine

I find this ABC Tales website a warm and welcoming community where writers of all abilities can share their work in the knowledge that it will be appreciated and encouraged. But what makes the site particularly special for me is that a close friend from long ago was a popular member here, regularly posting poetry and prose years before I joined. Julia Macpherson (ABC username Overthetop1 ) left this world far too soon, and at a point where too few had recognised the high standard of her writing talent. Following her death in 2016, her mother Coral (ABC’s seashore ) and her sister Sarah worked with Cerasus Poetry, and with the support of ABC members and the MIND mental health charity, to publish a compilation of her work. I lost touch with Julia in the mid-1980s, but found her again through ABC Tales and the pages of her book, Waiting For Another Velvet Morning .

Eleven Thousand Silent Playmates

When an old song revives a memory that uncovers an astonishing secret. You might call this a sequel, or even a prequel, to Making Do with Dusty Springfield.
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Streets of Stoke Newington

Possibly the most tenuous link ever to a weekly inspirational point (this week it’s toast) and a fond recollection of happy times in the mid-1980s living with ‘her indoors’ in a North London oasis of social harmony.