Hiya everyone.
I've got some great news (for me anyway) I've just bought a new computer, the dinosaur is no more and has gone to have its guts ripped out, new guts installed and then it will move on to make someone elses life a misery.
Anyway not only do a I get to play on a computer that doesn't take half an hour to interpret every mouse click ..BUT also I get to use ABC my old computer hated this site (or vie-versa) I got booted with every click.
But I've been here fifteen minutes already, I've read and voted on a piece, mosied round a bit clickety click, clickety click, and look I'm still here.
Looking forward to lots of reading and voting .. hope they get the oft promised review section up and running soon. I think it's the only thing this site is lacking.
Oh happy day.
Sooz. :-)