Stupid *@!%!!?*! Previews

I know it's sad but I'm still totally hooked on '24' . Having watched the 4th series on TV, Dave and I got the previous series on DVD. Now for those who haven't seen it, the whole point is that it's incredibly tense with lots of plot twists (most of which work, surprisingly enough). However, as each new episode loads on the DVD they precede it with a still of the most momentous moment yet to come. It completely gives the plot away and one of you has to look at it (ish) to make the selection. What morons!

The Village Green Preservation Society

They have been singing Jerusalem all summer. It's been lovley and stirring. But I think there are better, less jingoistic songs that we should be singing at this time of joy. Here is my suggestion. I am thrilled to be English today. The quirkiness of us celebrating a cricket match sums up what we are. Bonkers and proud.

What about you?

Village Green Preservation Society
The Kinks

Booker Shortlist

Banville, John The Sea Picador
Barnes, Julian Arthur & George Jonathan Cape
Barry, Sebastian A Long Long Way Faber & Faber
Ishiguro, Kazuo Never Let Me Go Faber & Faber
Smith, Ali The Accidental Hamish Hamilton
Smith, Zadie On Beauty Hamish Hamilton

I've only read one, The Accidental, but I thought that was fab. I started a discussion on it below somewhere. I hope that Ali Smith wins but I see that she is the least favourite.

Barnes has never appealed to me. He always seems too self-consciously clever.

"Ich bin ein Berliner"

I cannot believe that in the launch of their new "doughnut" edition, the Grauniad, having garnered so many column inches about their wonderous new Berliner format (shurely, "filled so many column inches of their own disreputable organ..." - ed.) have not yet availed themselves in print of the above quote by the celebrated sexologist and former US president, Jack Kennedy.

My Mum.

Oh she creased us all up. We were watching an old 20s black and white movie and she said "Crikey, I'm glad I didn't live in those days" "Why's that mum?" "Do you see how they had to rush around!" Ah she hasn't lost it the old girl. More stories please.

Strange Creatures

In this week's Big Issue I found the following story:

A shocked insect specialist who was confronted with two black beady eyes in the mouth of the red snapper fish he was about to cook had come face to face with a tongue-eating ipsopod - the only parasite that eats and replaces an organ of its host. The Californian crustacean, found by Dr Jim Brock, enters a fish's gills, and when its host's tongue shrivels to a stub, the fully grown louse acts as a replacement tongue, with its head facing out of the mouth. It will now be exhibited at the Horniman Museum in south London.


My girlfriend bought me 'Black Belt Sudoku' for my birthday, & I thought, 'that'll pass a few minutes here and there'... I didn't expect'em to be so addictive!

Who's with me on this??

The Car and the Car Ride... by skydolphin

...So true, skydolphin, so true...

In fact, time is different in different locations/situations... In the office, waiting for a bus, in the doctor's waiting room... Time is, indeed, as Einstein said, relative!


Creative Alliance!

I just wanted to share my good news about something...

I've just got a place on the 'Creative Alliance'! - & for those who don't know what that is (i.e. probably just about everyone (including me until recently))...
