If you are bursting with ideas or feel you have something unique to say, try your hand at writing scenes for stage, radio or TV. Learn how to create characters and shape a dramatic or comic performance.
Wed 7.00 ' 9.00pm. Starting Wednesday 28 September
Fee: £65
10% discount for concessions.
2/3 of the way through the above, by Danny Wallace, & it's changing my life! Hilarious &, although totally not meant as a "self-help" book, it really opens your eyes to possibilities & all the opportunities we generally miss out on in life... say Yes to "Yes Man!"
here's some advice for those who don't live in the U.S.
If you want to know what life here in America is, watch the movie Forrest Gump (If they have it in other countries). Sorry if I was implying that the U.S. is the better country. I really am not :o)