
is this any good? i want to email to friend for whom it is written but in these circs it is important not to make a bigger ar** of oneself than is strictly necessary.I really dont know. i nerver know until things have matured. is it a decent enough vintage or an overripe Gorgonzola?

The Wicked Dare Not Sleep - BBF

To start writing using a name affiliated with one of the most inventive and intelligent songwriters of our, or indeed, any time (and my personal favorite) is a bold move, but for me with this poem you've nailed it.

I've liked much of your work to date, and the improvement from piece to piece is dramatic - but this is the one that's really done it for me.

Love this middle passage:

"insomniac masturbation
a cure all for the
nocturnally challenged
only drains me of
any life that remained"

I'll have that rattling round my head all day.

bless my cotton socks i'm in the news ...

ahem ...

you might like to peer at the guardian on saturday ...

the all new families supplement ....

Sean Nelson

Your writting is enchanting. I have not read it all. Apoligies but you have many and I'm trying to work my way around it. There is quite a lot of emotion in your writting which is rare. I have thought about which ones I could flag up but just ended up reading for the past two hours without making a decision. Sorry, but I like all that I have read so far. Fantastic work.

Or life.

This hit a chord:

'I want more than I can steal":http://www.abctales.com/node/516149

Thank you.

doing my bit by ely_whitley

Brilliant, just brilliant:


ely has clearly been a ghost in my house during crucial England games.

I'd like it expanded - to know what they do in the second half and during extra time. I'd like to follow Jim and Debs' conversation so that they do turn it around.

Please, someone, perform this!

Leonardo's Pride by Nikaya999

A great thought provoking poem, Nikaya! I am looking now at the Mona Lisa with your eyes, see its smile differently, in brush strokes, inside and out

getting into hot water

I read today that child murdering scumbag Ian Huntley has been scalded with boiling water in prison. you may have already guessed that this does NOT induce vast amounts of pity from me, in fact I'm glad, it makes me feel a little better about the day that he is, hopefully, now in extreme pain and will remain so for good while. I'm hoping that the damage is permenant and scarring and, ideally located about the face and genitals.
