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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryThe Dancing Sex Nuns of the Tenth Quadrant hadley211 years 8 months ago
StoryThe man with the Golden Cheese Baguette hadley311 years 10 months ago
StoryOn Brussels Sprouts and Other Erotica hadley212 years 10 months ago
StoryNaked Under Foreign Skies (Sestina) hadley513 years 4 months ago

My stories

Celebrity Extreme Gardening

Perusal Travelbrochure is now credited with bringing about the revival of what had seemingly become a moribund TV genre with her introduction to the early evening schedules of 'Celebrity Extreme Garde

A Great Victorian Engineer And Inventor

Chainlink Foottreddle was one of the great Victorian engineers and inventors who first shot to fame as the inventor of the Hand-Cranked Wanking Engine. It was market as:

In Pursuit of the Woman with the Feathered Hat

The government’s wilfully stupid outlawing of many traditional rural pursuits such as fox hunting, estate agent immolation, the intermarriage of close relatives, animal ‘husbandry’ and even the

Major Scientific Breakthrough

Implication Venndiagram will probably go down in history (even if it is only as a footnote) as the person who truly discovered the full implications of the branch of modern physics known as Weasel The

The Legends Of The Shopping Mall

Our very chins are all aquiver with excitement this fair morning as we prepare to face the ordeal by supermarket with only the barest minimum on our holy shopping list to protect us from the beguiling
