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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryAlien Experiences Magg011 years 7 months ago
StoryA Crime Story - 2 Magg011 years 7 months ago
StoryA Crime Story Magg011 years 7 months ago
Forum topicWould like some feedback on Crime Story 1 & 2. Magg211 years 7 months ago
Forum topicStill working on Crime Story. Magg011 years 7 months ago
Forum topicFeedback please Magg111 years 7 months ago
CollectionTry out and see Magg011 years 7 months ago
CollectionDisplacement Magg011 years 7 months ago
StoryPart 2 - The Two Sisters Magg011 years 8 months ago
StoryShopping Day Magg011 years 8 months ago
StoryIntroduction to Creative Writing. Magg011 years 8 months ago
StoryExperiences: 2 Magg011 years 8 months ago
StoryThe Two Sisters Magg414 years 4 months ago
StoryYoung black male pinda214 years 4 months ago
StoryExperiences 3: My time in Scotland Magg615 years 1 month ago

My stories

A Crime Story - 2

Crime Story 1 was a bit too long so I've divided it up. Marcia responds to one of the ads and agrees to meet with the potential customer but it's not what Marcia expects....

A Crime Story

This is part of something already started. Marcia is female and black, and has decided to leave Haringey Police to set up her own detective agency.

Alien Experiences

Rita was a large woman; shiny earrings dangled from her ears, purple eye make up stared out from under her brows and her high heels tramped noisily on the marble floor. She and her husband had been in the country for twenty-five years and owned an electrical shop in Orange Grove, central Johannesburg. Before talking about the business on hand, we talked or rather she reminisced about Britain and wanted to know how it looked, as she hadn't been back in years. After some minutes, the conversation moved to the present day situation: South Africa - its people, her worries and fears. I offset this by telling her how excited I was to be here, in the continent of my forefathers. I suddenly realised I said this without thinking when I saw the look on her face. But you're not African!' she exclaimed, 'You're British ' as I am!' It was said with some desperation and urgency. For that split second, images came flooding in my mind. Some years back when I was a student at Southgate Tech, on my way home there would be times I would have to wait for a bus either in the pouring rain, the cold weather or the hot sun. I'd meet little old ladies whose conversations would always begin about the erratic nature of the British weather ..............

Shopping Day

As I turned into Bowling Lane, a white man from a speeding bakkie (van) shouted something in a tongue I didn't understand. (I found out later it was Afrikaans) I didn't need to. Whatever was said there was no mistaking the contempt and hate. It was then realized that what Thandie said was ringing true. The route I took was lined with thick trees and soft turf that surrendered with each tread I made. As there was no pavement I decided to walk along the red path close to the huge houses. Each house I passed, German shepherds, Dobermans, Rotweiler's ran to me spitting and barking, with only the electronic gates separating us. Thandie's prophetic warning was now like massive bells ringing in my ears. At one party I attended, somebody told me that guard dogs had been trained to smell blacks and attack on sight. I pulled my blouse away from my neck, dipped my head and drew a quick breath through my nostrils. It was hot and the sun stood alone against the flat blue sky; a thick layer of sweat had already settled on my forehead but I could still smell the Dewberry body fragrance I bought from Body Shop in North London. The white froth dribbling from the corner of the Rotweiler's mouth with its programmed eyes scrutinising its mark, quickly told me that no amount of fragrance was going to make much difference if those teeth ever got me!
