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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Forum topicIs there any need for an editor? markbrown919 years 5 months ago
Forum topicKing Arthur in the East Riding - Simon Armitage drew-(unverified)219 years 5 months ago
Forum topicSpack mcmanaman419 years 5 months ago

My stories


Greaseproof tumbleweed skits across Castle Square. Clopping hooves in the pedestrianised area. The bins freeze, mid-vomit, dripping polystyrene and strawberry milkshake. Nutrition speckles the paving: unwanted slats of limp gherkin. The jockey rides in topless, his muscular, pitted chests thrown back with each five-fingered pull from a Marlboro red. Poppered trousers tucked into white socks. A matted horses rustled from Mayhill scrubland. The boy gunslings a bottle of Fairy Liquid, beaming lime in to the fountains burbling fringe. Things turn a bit sci-fi. An octopus froth swells from the depths. Glooping out in all directions. The jockey looks around to see if anybody has anything to say. We watch him, disapproving and jealous as he gallops home passed John Lewis.

A Revelatory Ghazal

A ghazal is an ancient form where each stanza must be a self-contained 'idea'. In some versions the poet's name must feature in the final line. How cool. Here's an extract: I'm changing. The bible is an excellent book, full of intertextuality and foreshadowing.

I will never grow old

For now, the ancients brave the park but soon, overnight, when the ice appears (puddles tightly capped by vindictive out-of-work glaziers) the park will be deserted except for me: I am young with these lungs and I hope you remember the war or something.

Two Rubens' Paintings at the National Gallery

A seemingly high-brow but surprisingly base poem.

What my friends are thinking

This sestina will make you think I am great.
