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I have 292 stories published in 18 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 399777 times and 120 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Brooklands's picture

My stories

You discover something wonderful

"Have a fistful of sand in lieu of my soul, he said. You should have known as continents rose across the globe of his chest, archipelagos rashed down the backs of his legs: an atlas in blotches.

On our way to the fairground

She pumped his heart like an industrial-size ketchup dispenser.

Three decent bombs, one excellent

I'm getting used to days of rescheduled telly, half-hoping a friend will answer his phone from under the rubble.

Heart. By. Off.

Now, professors in convertibles tear past me, tossing ashtrays full of lit half-smoked cigerettes into the road, making tarmac briefly special.

Four Letters

A story in four letters
