alexander hay

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryDeath of a Hero alexander hay06 years 10 months ago
StoryA Poem alexander hay16 years 10 months ago
Storygarden pests alexander hay16 years 10 months ago
StoryThe Gig. alexander hay011 years 8 months ago
StoryF18 alexander hay011 years 8 months ago

My stories

Death of a Hero

Death of a Hero! First impression is… Why? Just Because ? Hard to Imagine - just a Jealous Guy ? Bullets in a Beatle- Sometime in New York City Who...

A Poem

A Poem . Aye..anywei..ah wuz thinkin’ o’ writin’ this poem Jist aboot whit’s gawn thru’ ma heid..y’ken?- jist Thoats an’ that..pittin’ thum doon oan...

garden pests

Garden Pests That time of year again - when sanity silently strays to shade. Sun slips the bolt- allowing tools to blossom from dust. Gathering the...

The Gig.

‘Didnae no whit time it wuz an’ light’s wur low-oh’.


F-18 From a distance, Tam watched in silence. Like him, the monster had remained in the same place all night, dormant; poised. His eyes hurt from too many fags, the odd tear, and staring ahead into the night shadows of his past. Aches clung to him where his body moulded into the chair. It had been a long night. An hour earlier dawn had crept by, nudging the darkness to another place; another time. The quiet of night fled bringing a slow thread of familiar sounds to his ear. He knew it wouldn't be long.