kate emily

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryEpileptic kate emily311 years 8 months ago
StoryFairy tale kate emily011 years 8 months ago
StoryLido Irks kate emily212 years 1 week ago
StoryTrebetherick kate emily812 years 4 months ago
StoryEllipsis kate emily812 years 5 months ago
StoryInfestation hadley515 years 1 month ago

My stories

The Wedding

When we spilled from the church, the wedding guests watching to see you step out- You stood, grinning at the sky as if in conversation, 'today, my smile is wider than yours'
Poem of the week

River Thinking

They're digging up the river bank; a big orange CAT purrs, stretches a mechanical paw clawing at the earth, they say it's to stop the floods but the willows look depressed,

A word with the Moon

Moon, you're a prison spot tonight, eye patch stare, white ember, you burn; a peep hole in my night. I was out looking for stars, hoping for Gabriel or the saucepan to come and scoop me up


Three lines was all it took, in a hand that wasn't mine. Not your usual white powder release- I wish for once it had've been those lines and not these.

Lido Irks

Alright, I get it- you can swim I'm not here to race, yes, red face, I can see you - breast stroke, front crawling your way up the pool in your too tight garishly bright speedo
