I have to state I am pleased with the text which, to date hasn't had any negative comments so far. A videsat from Alex, is a contemprary take on Antony Burgess text, "A clockwork Orange" being dyslexic, for me the challange was to simply read the text. When I found that painful I opted for a you tube sound recording instead, this gives help to the text as the glosses used are intoned, so the hearer gets to at least grasp the story. WhatI have attempted is to putan older Alex (a man of about 50) in a world where ultraviolence and a police state exists, post a Brexit. The original text ends with Alex growing up and becoming bored with his life he chooses to change insteadof change being thrust upon him. I attempted to put in the summary my take on nadsat however, it was far too large to do, so have put it as an appendix to the text itself. If people like it, I might carry this project on. I would stress, that I in no way wish to deride ock or or replace Burgess brilliant novella. I simply wanted to update it to a world that I see unfolding around me, where the news is slanted, where what we see with our eyes cannot be fully belived and the where free market capitalism, taken to its extreme, is as insane and as hate driven as the socialist or communist totalitarian system that was so feared by my parents (cold war) generation. we need both in a democracy. thanks.