L G Meadows

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryMy Pal Bill oldpesky713 years 9 months ago
StoryRiver Walk L G Meadows313 years 9 months ago

My stories

Anger Diminished

Get your anger out! Peg it to the line with strong words. Let it flap in the wind gesturing and raging Till it’s spent, Hanging quietly Upon the page. © LG Meadows

Dreams Defined

Dreams When reality and subconscious merge Hopes and fears Past and present become one Dreams When spirit and body separate Floating, hovering Inner thoughts with outward motion Dreams


I am diminished, eroded by time Insignificant in body and mind Shuffling when before I strode Indecisive when once self assured. A pale image of myself Time has not been kind.

River Walk

The river came out for a walk today It left the banks and headed up the steps. I guess it’s allowed, The area is called River Walk And there is no sign that says 'No river allowed'


You have been judge, jury And executioner Do you feel remorse? Or is this par for the course Of your self styled superiority. You could have been healer, physician And saviour
