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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryFor Nouténé Sidimé delapruch011 years 8 months ago
Storyfor those that do because they have to delapruch111 years 8 months ago
Storydonuts & dubstep (the hypnoticmelodic never tasted so good) delapruch112 years 11 months ago

My stories

the leftovers

like passengers on the plane who didn’t die in the crash they twitch with guilt & hope that they will able to stay one more day on the sinking ship, because to be swimming out there

the cock fight

two very masculine men in the middle of their showdown as to gain the affection from one very feminine woman as to gain all the pleasures that come with asserting the dominance in

eli & oskar

fullända ett band mellan två individer de går ut i natten de har varandras sällskap skull och kön, som belastning som kan förstöra så många helt enkelt inte in i denna ekvation ---

off the record

all this bullshit life has an antidote & it’s really quite simple--- you don’t need to make good with the guy/gal that most recently wronged you (people come, people go = fact of life)

une chose de la beauté

ce qui va sans dire ce qui ne détient pas la propriété ce qui ne peut être représenté mécaniquement ce qui ne peut être remodelé technologiquement ce qui ne peut être tweeté
