Itane Vero

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryThe poor in spirit Itane Vero411 years 8 months ago
StoryWhat we do Itane Vero211 years 8 months ago
StoryLike old friends do Itane Vero211 years 8 months ago
StoryIs this desire Itane Vero411 years 9 months ago

My stories

Eagerly awakening

As it always seems to be. Reality constantly bites my dreams into pieces, she grinds them like paper pulp. Because my ideas are not steadfast enough...

How to look after unwanted crocodiles

Like wasps are coloured yellow-black, like the sun will die in five billion years, like demons have the effigy of our enemies, so am I armed to the...

Strange fruit

One day it will happen that I settle myself in this friendly clay. The soil is ready for it, that's for sure. It has always been me who looks...

That which does not kill us

Can you believe it? Behind what lasts exists another living, next to what's real occurs something less discernible. Like if I am a beekeeper (...

What remains

I collected them all: my tragic moments, my fatal dramas. As if I wanted to examine what the worst thing is that ever can happen to a person. One day...
